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노한나, 이계희(2023) 크루즈 관광객의 여행 만족이 행복 및 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 연구: 상... |
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Buckley & Westaway(2020) Mental health rescue effects of women's outdoor tourism... |
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Argan et al.(2020) Life satisfaction, life quality, and leisure satisfaction in ... |
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Sthapit et al.(2019) Extending the memorable tourism experience construct: an in... |
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Quan et al. (2023) Role of physical environment and green natural environment of... |
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민보경, 박민진 (2023) 미래세대의 행복에 미치는 영향 요인: 세대별, 성별 비교를 중... |
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Suban (2022) Bibliometric analysis on wellness tourism – citation and co-citat... |
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황영주, 이훈 (2022) 여행경력 재개념화에 관한 연구: 레크리에이션 전문화 이론을 중... |
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