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'우연’에서 보는 여행

한양대관광랩 2023-10-19 조회수 645

[‘우연’에서 보는 여행]

여행에서 “우연”은 우리에게 어떤 의미가 있고 어떻게 전개할까?

우연성은 여행에서 쾌락과 의미를 동시에 제공한다.


미리 계획을 하지 않거나 즉흥여행자, 나홀로 여행자는 우연성을 크게 경험한다. 

우연성은 동시적 우연과 계기적 우연으로 나뉘며, 

발생 가능성이 작을수록 우연의 가치를 높게 평가한다. 

그러나 우리는 우연에 대해 의심한다. 

의심이 틀렸다는 확신은 감탄이나 기쁨과 같은 검정으로 변하고 

때로는 추억이나 성장의 계기와 같은 의미를 부여한다. 

권장욱, 이훈 (2021). 근거이론을 통한 여행자의 우연성 경험 분석. <관광학연구>, 45(2), 9-26. http://dx.doi.org/10.17086/JTS.2021.


The purpose of this study is to understand the development process and context of a coincidence experience that provides pleasure and meaning in travel. The in-depth interviews of 11 participants and data were analyzed using grounded theory. As a result, people who experienced coincidence in the trip were either on an impromptu trip without planning or with flexibly changing the schedule, or traveling alone. Participants experienced a coincidence while attempting to be tense and various trial and error at first, as they were placed in a somewhat uncertain environment through improvised travel and traveling alone. The central phenomenon – coincidence - is a form of synchronicity in which multiple events encounter at the same time, or it appears as a seriality in which the same event occurs repeatedly. After experiencing the coincidence, people were wondering if the coincidence was caused by someone's intention and an emotional reactions such as admiration and joy emerged only through the conviction that no specific cause was found, or that it was not the intention of someone, or the result of giving meaning such as memories or moments of growth. This suggests that people were experiencing coincidences in the process of creating uncertain situations through trips, overcoming tensions and anxieties, and challenging themselves. The coincidence provided existential authenticity to travelers, which allowed people to experience a series of happiness.