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노년층의 여가시간과 생활만족

한양대관광랩 2023-10-19 조회수 704

[노년층의 여가시간과 생활만족] 

급속히 진행하는 한국의 고령화시대, 

노년층에게 집 밖에서 지내는 여가는 어떤 가치를 일으킬까?

종교활동과 같은 사회적 및 생산적 여가 활동은 

노년층의 생활 질(quality of life)과 연관이 있으며, 

여행 등 외부 활동에 대한 활발한 참여는 생활만족도에 정(+)의 영향을 준다.

생활만족도는 긍정적인 정신 건강과 성공적인 노화에 중요한 요소임에도 불구하고

한국의 노년층은 대부분이 집에서 여가시간을 보낸다. 

이에 대해 향후 노년층을 위한 다양한 프로그램의 개발과 

삶의 질을 높일 수 있는 여가 교육을 제공할 필요성이 제시된다.

Yoon, H., Lee, W. S., Kim, K.B. & Moon, J. (2020). Effects of leisure participation on life satisfaction in older korean adults: A panel analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(12), 4402. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17124402


South Koreans’ life expectancy has dramatically increased over the last four decades.However, the life satisfaction index of older Korean adults has been in the bottom third globally. The large majority of older Koreans spend most of the day watching television at home. However,concrete evidence regarding the effects of leisure involvement on older adults’ quality of later life is scant. Only a few existing studies have examined the link via cross-sectional survey data. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether meaningful leisure participation outside the home in older age plays an essential role in improving life satisfaction. To achieve the research aim, nationally representative panel data from the Korea Employment Information Service were used for the data analysis. The results indicated that social and productive leisure participation in religious activity, social gatherings, and volunteering was significantly related to quality of life in older adults. Moreover, frequent participation in travel and cultural activities outside the home were positively related to life satisfaction. These findings suggest that participation in meaningful leisure activities is a critical factor contributing to subjective well-being and good mental health in older Korean adults and should be encouraged.